Zorgen voor een toekomstbestendig Wagenborgen

Onderzoeksoutput: ReportOther research output

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Inhabitants of Wagenborgen, a village within the community of Delfzijl (North of the Netherlands), together made plans for the future of their village. Evaluating possibilities concerning services, shops, houses (adapted to the different stages of the life course). This report lists not only present-day characteristics, but also plans and best practices. In doing so it is a starting point for future development.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageWagenborgen: plans for the future: From vital village to sleeping village and back
Originele taal-2Dutch
Aantal pagina's61
StatusUnpublished - 2016


  • gemeenten overheid
  • ontwikkeling
  • toekomstvisie


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