Web-based international knowledge exchange tool on urban resilience and climate proofing cities: climatescan

Floris Boogaard, Jonathan Tipping, T. Muthanna, A. Duffy, Barry Bendall, Jeroen Kluck

    Onderzoeksoutput: PaperOther research output

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    There is a wide diversity of projects undertaken to address urban resillience and climate proofing in the world. International knowledge exchange tools are evaluated with result: stakeholders demand tools that are interactive, open source and provide more detailed information (location, free photo and film material). This abstract details the outcomes of an interactive web-based map application for international knowledge exchange on 'blue-green' projects around the globe. Climatescan.nl has proven to be a successful tool with over 5000 users and more than 2000 international projects. The tool is used in several international workshops and serves the needs of different stakeholders.
    Originele taal-2English
    StatusPublished - sep. 2017
    Evenement14th IWA/IAHR international conference on urban drainage (ICUD) - Praque, Czech Republic
    Duur: 10 sep. 201715 sep. 2017


    Conference14th IWA/IAHR international conference on urban drainage (ICUD)
    Land/RegioCzech Republic


    • klimaatverandering
    • stedelijke gebieden
    • drainage systemen
    • duurzaamheid


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