Vitality and social responsibility of voluntary sport clubs in the Netherlands

Peter Wiggers, Magda Boven, Hiske Wiggers, Hans Slender

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractOther research output

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Abstract for European Association for Sport Management conference 2015 in Dublin. The aim of this research is to gain more insight in the vitality of voluntary sport clubs in the northern part of the Netherlands, where their vitality was based on the right to exist, orientation on the future and social responsibility.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's3
StatusPublished - 2015
Evenement23rd European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference 2015: 'sport management in the digital age' - Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
Duur: 9 sep. 201512 sep. 2015


Conference23rd European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference 2015
Verkorte titelEASM
Internet adres


Duik in de onderzoeksthema's van 'Vitality and social responsibility of voluntary sport clubs in the Netherlands'. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.
  • Vitaliteit sportverenigingen in Noord-Nederland

    Boven, M. (PI), Dijk, B. (PI), Slender, H. (PI), Wiggers, H. (PI) & Wiggers, P. (PI)


    Project: Research

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