Unlocking the Potential of Permeable Pavements in Practice: a Large-Scale Field Study of Performance Factors of Permeable Pavements in The Netherlands

Ted Isis Elize Veldkamp, Floris Boogaard, Jeroen Kluck

    Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


    Infiltrating pavements are potentially effective climate adaptation measures to counteract arising challenges related to flooding and drought in urban areas. However, they are susceptible to clogging causing premature degradation. As part of the Dutch Delta Plan, Dutch municipalities were encouraged to put infiltrating pavements into practice. Disappointing experiences made a significant number of municipalities decide, however, to stop further implementation. A need existed to better understand how infiltrating pavements function in practice. Through 81 full-scale infiltration tests, we investigated the performance of infiltrating pavements in practice. Most pavements function well above Dutch and international standards. However, variation was found to be high. Infiltration rates decrease over time. Age alone, however, is not a sufficient explanatory factor. Other factors, such as environmental or system characteristics, are of influence here. Maintenance can play a major role in preserving/improving the performance of infiltrating pavements in practice. While our results provide the first indication of the functioning of infiltrating pavement in practice, only with multi-year measurements following a strict monitoring protocol can the longer-term effects of environmental factors and maintenance actually be determined, providing the basis for the development of an optimal maintenance schedule and associated cost–benefit assessments to the added value of this type of climate adaptation.
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's15
    Nummer van het tijdschrift13
    StatusPublished - 1 jul. 2022


    • klimaatadaptatie
    • doorlatende bestrating
    • regenwateropvang
    • stedelijk facilitair beheer
    • klimaatverandering
    • klimaatextremen
    • hydrologische veldexperimenten
    • hydraulische prestatie
    • onderhoud
    • infiltratietest


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