Understanding the new economic reality of the United States: Donald J. Trump’s economic nationalism

Onderzoeksoutput: Other contributionOther research output

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This paper explores America’s fascination with protectionism and economic nationalism, and argues that much of Donald J. Trump’s political-economic vision as 45th president of the United States is intimately tied-up with America’s idea of itself and its role in the world. Rather, as this paper demonstrates, economic-nationalism, in its many forms, is a deeply rooted American political-economic tradition that goes back as far as the nation’s very founding, and, indeed, as such has always been a latent political force in America’s political-culture. From its earliest founding days, protectionism versus free-trade has been a matter that has always bitterly divided America, and as such, economic nationalism, in the form of a threatening exit from the WTO, a possible re-negotiation of NAFTA, and high import tariffs for Mexico and China, although perhaps a dramatic shift after years of free-trade presidents, is nothing new under the American sun.
Originele taal-2English
Mijlpalentype toekennenInternal publication
OutputmediaInternal publication (intended as a book-chapter for Rien Seger's publication on new economic realities)
Aantal pagina's20
StatusUnpublished - 1 feb. 2017


  • economie
  • sociologie
  • politiek
  • internationaal zakenleven
  • geschiedenis


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