Translation, cultural adaptation, and assessment of the linguistic and content validity of the PG-SGA to the Spanish linguistic setting by cancer patients and healthcare professionals

Vanessa Fuchs-Tarlovsky, Cristina Velasco Gimeno, María Dolores Arias-Soberón, Cristopher Silva-Sánchez, Karolina Álvarez-Altamirano, Fernand Vedenne-Gutierrez, Mónica Patricia Bejarano-Rosales, Marta Motilla de la Cámara, Juan Castillo-Cruz, Cristina Cuerda Compés, Faith D Ottery, Harriët Jager-Wittenaar

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


PURPOSE: Malnutrition is frequent in hospitalized patients and is related to functional decline and poorer clinical outcomes. The Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) is a globally implemented malnutrition tool. We aimed to perform a linguistic and content validation of the translation and cultural adaptation of the PG-SGA for the Spanish language setting.

METHODS: This study was conducted in Mexico and Spain. Cancer patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs) of both countries were enrolled. We followed the 10 steps of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Principles. Patients and HCPs evaluated comprehensibility (Item: I-CI, Scale: S-CI) and difficulty (Item: I-DI, Scale: S-DI) of the Spanish version of the PG-SGA. HCPs also evaluated content validity (i.e., relevance) of the Spanish PG-SGA (Item: I-CVI, Scale: S-CVI). The data were collected by a questionnaire.

RESULTS: The study enrolled 84 HCPs and 196 cancer patients from both countries. HCPs rated comprehensibility and difficulty of the professional component as excellent (S-CI = 0.95, S-DI = 0.92), and content validity of the full PG-SGA also as excellent. Patients rated comprehensibility (S-CI) and difficulty (S-DI) of the patient-generated component, that is, the PG-SGA Short Form, as "excellent" (S-CI = 0.98 and S-DI = 0.98).

CONCLUSION: Translation and cultural adaptation of the PG-SGA to the Spanish setting according to the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Principles resulted in an instrument perceived as clear and easy to complete by cancer patients and relevant by HCPs to assess the nutritional status.

Originele taal-2English
Vroegere onlinedatum28 aug. 2024
StatusPublished - dec. 2024


  • ondervoeding
  • PG-SGA
  • vertaling
  • culturele adaptatie


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