Towards the drivers of value creation in the biogas industry: enablers and inhibiters in the Netherlands

Robbert-Jan H. van der Burg, Austin D'Souza, George. B. Huitema, J.C. Wortmann

Onderzoeksoutput: PaperOther research output

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The Dutch biogas industry is developing slowly and in many instances still unviable. Insights in the drivers of value creation may help to create viable biogas business networks. This research explores these related drivers and accordingly, proposes a new and comprehensive definition of a driver of value creation. This definition focuses on the enabling and inhibiting factors of value creation in a business network and forms the backbone of three case studies. The results suggest the presence of four specific drivers as necessary for a viable biogas business network: stability and certainty, partner alignment, local opportunities and economies of scale.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's10
StatusPublished - 2014
Evenement21st International Annual EurOMA Conference 2014: "Operations Management in an Innovation Economy" - Palermo, Italy
Duur: 20 jun. 201425 jun. 2014
Congresnummer: 21st


Conference21st International Annual EurOMA Conference 2014
Verkorte titelEurOMA 2014
Internet adres


  • biogas
  • energiesector
  • waardebepaling


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