The Unified Citizen Engagement Approach: a design-oriented framework for involving citizens in the energy transition

Cyril Tjahja, Ifigeneia Psarra, Joke Kort

    Onderzoeksoutput: PaperAcademic

    70 Downloads (Pure)


    The paper describes the first implementation of the Unified Citizen Engagement Approach (UCEA), a newly developed design-oriented framework for citizen engagement in the energy transition. The preliminary testing and evaluation of several of its pathways in Groningen, the Netherlands, show that the role of design in the energy transition is not limited to the adoption of (co)design tools and methods. Instead, design should be integrated in the process in a more holistic way and on multiple levels, taking into account broader issues than energy, the maturity of local initiatives, and effective communication with stakeholders.
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's8
    StatusAccepted/In press - mrt. 2023
    EvenementConnectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict - Antwerp, Belgium
    Duur: 12 apr. 202315 apr. 2023


    ConferenceConnectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict
    Internet adres


    • energietransitie
    • positieve energiewijken
    • maatschappelijke betrokkenheid
    • co-ontwerp


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