The Northern Netherlands: Transformation of a gas-producing region into a forerunner in the biobased circular transition

Johanna Thomann, André Heeres, Errit Bekkering

    Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


    The Northern Netherlands is an unique environment for sustainably-minded (bio)chemical businesses due to the regional availability of renewable feedstock, energy and existing infrastructure as well as the proximity to excellent knowledge centers and upscaling facilities. Within the last decades, several developments unravelled in the biobased circular transition. Exploring how these developments were initiated, the article means to show the opportunities that this region has to offer today. It also makes a strong argument for the economic potential arising from the creative combination of available feedstocks in an innovative ecosystem providing necessary frame-work conditions and fostering close intersectoral collaboration.
    Originele taal-2English
    Pagina's (van-tot)46-79
    Aantal pagina's14
    TijdschriftJournal of Business Chemistry
    Nummer van het tijdschrift1
    StatusPublished - 24 feb. 2024


    • Noord-Nederland
    • gasproductie
    • circulaire transitie


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