The intercultural competence learning lab: a training initiative for intercultural competences development of faculty as a precondition for intercultural competences development of students

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademicpeer review

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“So why do we assume our teachers pull at the right end of the rope?” This question was raised during a discussion concerning the intercultural competences of our faculty in comparison to the perceived disappointing level of intercultural competences of our graduates. Intercultural competence development is only one part of internationalization at home, yet a part that seems to be more difficult to grasp than language proficiency or international learning outcomes (van der Poel & van der Werf, 2014).
Originele taal-2English
TitelGlobal and local internationalization
RedacteurenElspeth Jones, Robert Coelen, Jos Beelen, Hans de Wit
Plaats van productieRotterdam
UitgeverijSense Publishers
ISBN van elektronische versie978-94-6300-301-8
StatusPublished - 2016

Publicatie series

ReeksTransgressions: Cultural Studies and Education


  • interculturele competentie-ontwikkeling
  • internationalisatie
  • studenten
  • hanzehogeschool groningen
  • docenten


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