The effect of indoor environmental conditions in classrooms of The Netherlands on educational outcome

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractAcademic

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Teachers and students need good learning environments to perform well. In this study, it is pre-supposed that the spatial properties of classrooms are important facilitators of the educational process. Ideally, school buildings in general and classrooms in particular should influence the educational process positively by providing a healthy and comfortable built environment. A healthy and comfortable indoor environment is provided by optimal conditions for IAQ, thermal comfort, acoustic comfort and visual comfort. A pleasant temperature, fresh air, good soundscape and lighting conditions will support the in-class tasks of lecturers and students. But do schools provide optimal environmental learning conditions? Maintaining adequate ventilation and thermal comfort in classrooms could significantly improve academic achievement of students. A first orientating literature study reveals that that classroom conditions are far from optimal and in some cases even unhealthy and affect the performance of teachers and students negatively. Overall, evidence suggests that poor indoor environment quality in schools is common and adversely influences the performance and attendance of students, primarily through health effects from indoor pollutants. Based on this evidence, it is highly recommended to improve environmental conditions in classrooms in higher education in The Netherlands by offering a better indoor air quality and thermal conditions and by improving the acoustic and lighting conditions.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 20 sep. 2018
Evenement2018 CIRRE Conference: 3rd Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate - Hanze UAS Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Duur: 20 sep. 201821 sep. 2018


Conference2018 CIRRE Conference
Verkorte titelCIRRE
Internet adres


  • schoollokalen
  • gezondheid
  • facility management


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