Taste of summer institutes

Melissa Johnson, Beata Jones, Kathleen King, Lynn Preston, Patricia Smith, Marca Wolfensberger

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractAcademic

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In years past, there has not been a consistent or coordinated “opening” for summer professional development opportunities. This year our goal is to advertise the following summer’s offerings at the annual conference so we can get logistics in front of a wider audience, and they can plan ahead while they are still on an honors “high” from conference. Representatives from NCHC committees plan to work together to highlight their summer opportunities in an engaging way to participants. Proposed committee partners include Professional Development, Teaching & Learning, Assessment & Evaluation, and Partners in the Parks (focusing on their faculty trip).
Originele taal-2English
StatusAccepted/In press - 1 mrt. 2018


  • hoger onderwijs
  • excellentie


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