Talent in de regio

Arjen Edzes and Victor Venhorst, Elisabeth Bulder, Jannie Rozema, Alfons Klein Rouweler and Loes van Rijsewijk, Inge de Vries

Onderzoeksoutput: ReportProfessional

445 Downloads (Pure)


The question was posed how to bind talent (in the broadest sense of the word) to the labour-market region Groningen. In order to be able to study this question an attempt was made to make an inventory of available sources, their quality and usefulness. Apart from that several workshops were organized and interviews were held in order to get a glance of relevant development on of influencing the (structure of the) labour-market.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageTalent in the region
Originele taal-2Dutch
Aantal pagina's36
StatusUnpublished - 23 nov. 2018


  • arbeidsmarkt
  • regionale economie
  • migratie


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