Taakherschikking in de Nederlandse mondzorg en de werktevredenheid van mondhygiënisten

Katarina Jerkovic-Cosic, M A G van Offenbeek, Cees van der Schans

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


In research into a professional cross-section of dental hygienists, we studied the extent to which task redistribution has an influence on job satisfaction. The research among randomly chosen dental hygienists consisted of questions about organizational and personal characteristics, the set of assigned tasks, task characteristics and job satisfaction. The respondents were divided into 3 clusters which differed in the breadth of their sets of tasks. Although prevention and periodontology services remain the core tasks in dental hygienists' jobs, the degree of task redistribution differed strongly from cluster to cluster. Respondents with a considerable degree of task redistribution experienced the most task variation, but scored significantly lower on the task characteristics autonomy, feedback, task identity and task importance. This explains why redistribution does not directly correspond with a greater degree of job satisfaction. Moreover, it is precisely the dental hygienists with a broad set of tasks who are significantly less satisfied with their salary than those with a traditional set of tasks.

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageTask redistribution in Dutch dental care in relation to dental hygienists' job satisfaction
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)289-294
TijdschriftNederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde
Nummer van het tijdschrift5
StatusPublished - 8 mei 2010


  • mondhygiënisten


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