Stormwater management strategies: source control versus end of pipe

Jeroen G. Langeveld, H.J. Liefting, Ronald Schilperoort, Arjo Hof, I.B.E. Baars, H. Nijhof, Floris Boogaard, M.W. Kuiper

    Onderzoeksoutput: PaperOther research output

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    Storm sewers are known to significantly contribute to annual pollutant loads to receiving water bodies. The storm sewers of the city of Almere discharge the stormwater of 1384 ha of impervious area via 700 storm sewer outfalls (SSOs) to the local receiving water system. This water system suffers from eutrophication and long term build-up of pollutant levels in the sediment bed. In order to be able to select the most effective stormwater management strategy, the municipality of Almere and Water Authority Zuiderzeeland have launched a 2 year extensive monitoring project to measure the storm
    water quality and the potential impact of source control and end of pipe measures to decrease the emission via SSOs. Source control measures, such as removal of illicit connections and increasing the cleaning frequency of gully pots showed to be most effective. The potential impact of end of pipe
    solutions based on settling showed to be very limited due to the low settleability of solids in the storm water of Almere at the SSOs.
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's6
    StatusPublished - 2016
    Evenement9th international conference Novatech 2016: planning & technologies for sustainable urban water management - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA), Lyon, France
    Duur: 28 jun. 20161 jul. 2016
    Congresnummer: 9th


    Conference9th international conference Novatech 2016
    Internet adres


    • watermanagement
    • gemeenten (overheid)


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