Staying Alive (at Noorderlicht Photo Festival 2017, 'Imagining Science')

Andrea Stultiens (Photographer), Marissa Mika

Onderzoeksoutput: ExhibitionOther research output


An excerpt of Staying Alive, Documenting the Ugandan Cancer Institute is part of the Noorderlicht Photo Festival 2017 in Groningen, the Netherlands. The festival’s title is “Nucleus” and its thematic focus is on “the representation of it by independent photographers and artists”.

This installation presents the inverted versions of medical illustrations made, on my request, by John Nyende and Coleb Butungi together the portraits made of former patient Kizito, with texts on the use of photographs by Dr. Denis Burkitt, who was instrumental for the set up of the Uganda Cancer Institute.

For more on ‘Staying Alive’ check out the posts on the HIPUganda blog devoted to the project.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 22 okt. 2017


  • fotografie
  • oeganda
  • historiografie
  • kankeronderzoek


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