Sport, physical education and coaching in health

Johan de Jong, Carin Bruining

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractOther research output

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Main goal of the Sport Physical Education And Coaching in Health Project (SPEACH/Erasmus+ sport 557083-EPP-1-2014-1-NL-SPO-SCP) is to increase awareness and behavioural change in sport professionals and European citizens towards an active and healthy lifestyle. Sedentariness and physical inactivity are a cross-national problem. Therefore, the project builds upon a strong collaborative-partnership to contribute in solving this problem on the European level and to increase sport and physical activity participation.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 2015
Evenement13th forum of the European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment (ENSSEE): Sport Education and Employment - Innovation throughout Europe and beyond - University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Duur: 9 sep. 201511 sep. 2015
Congresnummer: 13th


Conference13th forum of the European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment (ENSSEE)
Verkorte titelENSSEE 2015
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