SPEACH project needs analysis: summary of the needs analysis

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractOther research output


The overall objective of the SPEACH project needs analysis (work package 2, WP2) was to gather input on the needs and wishes of selected target groups within the field of physical education (PE) and Sport Coaching. Both individual and organisational perspectives were represented. Focus has been on how to build Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) related modules and/or other substantial study activities into existing educational structures of sport coaching and physical education teacher education (PETE) programs.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 2015
EvenementSPEACH Project: life is movement -
Duur: 1 jan. 2016 → …


OtherSPEACH Project
Periode1/01/16 → …
Internet adres


  • sport
  • lichamelijke opvoeding
  • coaching
  • gezondheid


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