Socially smart software agents entice people to use higher-order theory of mind in the Mod game

Kim Veltman, Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge

    Onderzoeksoutput: PosterOther research output

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    In social settings, people often need to reason about unobservable
    mental content of other people, such as their beliefs, goals, or
    intentions. This ability helps them to understand, to predict, and even
    to influence the behavior of others. People can take this ability further
    by applying it recursively. For example, they use second-order theory of
    mind to reason about the way others use theory of mind, as in ‘Alice
    believes that Bob does not know about the surprise party’. However,
    empirical evidence so far suggests that people do not spontaneously use
    higher-order theory of mind in strategic games. Previous agent-based
    modeling simulations also suggest that the ability to recursively apply
    theory of mind may be especially effective in competitive settings. In
    this paper, we use a combination of computational agents and Bayesian
    model selection to determine to what extent people make use of higherorder
    theory of mind reasoning in a particular competitive game, the
    Mod game, which can be seen as a much larger variant of the well-known
    rock-paper-scissors game.
    We let participants play the competitive Mod game against computational
    theory of mind agents. We find that people adapt their level of
    theory of mind to that of their software opponent. Surprisingly, knowingly
    playing against second- and third-order theory of mind agents entices
    human participants to apply up to fourth-order theory of mind
    themselves, thereby improving their results in the Mod game. This phenomenon
    contrasts with earlier experiments about other strategic oneshot
    and sequential games, in which human players only displayed lower
    orders of theory of mind.
    Originele taal-2English
    StatusPublished - 8 nov. 2017
    EvenementThe 29th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Het Kasteel, Groningen, Netherlands
    Duur: 8 nov. 20179 nov. 2017
    Congresnummer: 29


    ConferenceThe 29th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence
    Verkorte titelBNAIC 2017
    Internet adres


    • sociale psychologie
    • computergames


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