Small-scale community-based care initiatives in the Netherlands

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademicpeer review


This article focusses on small-scale community-based care initiatives developed by citizens in small villages in rural areas in the Netherlands, with special attention to some interesting case studies in the North and South of the country. These initiatives will be contextualized. First, the demographic processes impacting the Dutch care and welfare domain will be discussed in more detail (chapter 1). Subsequently, chapter 2 will focus on citizens’ initiatives, attempting to put them in a broader theoretical framework using theories on voluntary engagement, social cohesion, and a line of reasoning from social capital theory. Finally, in chapter 3, these findings will be used to describe and discuss small-scale community-based care initiatives in the Netherlands in general with a specific focus on two relatively new types of small-scale initiatives built around a social support worker.
Originele taal-2English
TitelInclusive localities
Subtitelperspectives on local social policies and practices
RedacteurenS. Meier, L. Bertelmann, L. Wissenbach
Plaats van productieLeverkusen
UitgeverijVerlag Barbara Budrich
HoofdstukInclusion – Space – Communities
Aantal pagina's16
ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-8474-3017-9
StatusPublished - 18 mrt. 2024

Publicatie series

ReeksContributions to Socio-Spacial Research


  • burgerinitiatieven
  • Nederland
  • kleinschalige burgerinitiatieven


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