Review article – X Radiation dose implications in screening patients with ferromagnetic IOFBs prior to MRI: a literary review

Samara Abbas, Sarah Jessop, Gabrielle Hart, Ana Rita Santiago, Benedicte Markali, Yann Cottier, Joana Guerreiro, Erik Normann Andersen, H. Momoniat, José Jorge, Andrew England

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingAcademicpeer review

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Patients scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan sometimes require screening for ferromagnetic Intra Orbital Foreign Bodies (IOFBs). To assess this, they are required to fill out a screening protocol questionnaire before their scan. If it is established that a patient is at high risk, radiographic imaging is necessary. This review examines literature to evaluate which imaging modality should be used to screen for IOFBs, considering that the eye is highly sensitive to ionising radiation and any dose should be minimised.
Method: Several websites and books were searched for information, these were as follows: PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar. The terms searched related to IOFB, Ionising radiation, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety, Image Quality, Effective Dose, Orbits and X-ray. Thirty five articles were found, several were rejected due to age or irrelevance; twenty eight were eventually accepted. Results: There are several imaging techniques that can be used. Some articles investigated the use of ultrasound for investigation of ferromagnetic IOFBs of the eye and others discussed using Computed
Tomography (CT) and X-ray. Some gaps in the literature were identified, mainly that there are no articles which discuss the lowest effective dose while having adequate image quality for orbital imaging.
Conclusion: X-ray is the best method to identify IOFBs. The only problem is that there is no research which highlights exposure factors that maintain sufficient image quality for viewing IOFBs and keep the effective dose to the eye As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
Originele taal-2English
TitelOPTIMAX 2014 – radiation dose and image quality optimisation in medical imaging
Plaats van productieLisbon, Portugal
StatusPublished - 2015
EvenementOPTIMAX 2014: radiation dose and image quality optimisation in medical imaging - Lisbon , Portugal
Duur: 1 aug. 201431 aug. 2014


SeminarOPTIMAX 2014


  • optimalisatie
  • dosering
  • beeldkwaliteit
  • imaging phantom
  • computerradiografie
  • intra-orbitale vreemde lichamen


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