Reducing user discomfort in direct load control of domestic water heaters

Alexander Belov, Alexandr Vasenev, Paul J. M. Havinga, Nirvana Meratnia, Berend Jan van der Zwaag

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingAcademicpeer review


Direct Load Control (DLC) is an effective instrument for achieving a guaranteed load curtailment. Unfortunately, if a customer considers that personal discomfort outweighs money savings after DLC shutting down of home appliances, DLC solution can be rejected. This paper proposes the way to remediate customer comfort concerns by pre-storing additional energy in electric loads before their disconnection from the grid. We take electric tank water heaters as an illustrative example of residential loads with storage. To illuminate our approach we first show how to balance electric consumption for pre-storing with user thermal discomfort for a single water heater. Then, we illustrate how the approach can be scaled-up to a multiple-boiler scenario, when ten remotely controlled boilers act next to fifty non-controlled boilers. The simulations for the latter case show that the expected user thermal discomfort can be significantly reduced at the cost of a reasonable increase of electricity demand preceding DLC event.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT ASIA 2015
Aantal pagina's6
ISBN van geprinte versie9781509012381
StatusPublished - 21 jan. 2016
Extern gepubliceerdJa
EvenementIEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia - Bangkok, Thailand
Duur: 3 nov. 20156 nov. 2015


ConferenceIEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia
Verkorte titelISGT ASIA


  • besturingssystemen
  • optimale controle
  • stroombehoefte
  • beheer van het energiesysteem
  • stabiliteit van het energiesysteem


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