Professionalization of municipal real estate management: an analysis of Dutch literature

Annette Tjeerdsma (First author), Mark P. Mobach, Erwin van der Krabben

Onderzoeksoutput: PaperAcademic

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Background and aim – The aim of this paper is to look at the professionalization of municipal real estate management (MREM) from an organizational design perspective.
Methods / Methodology – Analysis of current and recent MREMliterature in a Dutch context on organizational design.
Results – It appears that organizational design is implicitly or explicitly concluded as being interesting and relevant, but no research was performed on this topic. In general, it seems MREM could be significantly better organized creating higher value of its real estate for society.
Practical or social implications – The finding that organizational design is an interesting yet underexposed parameter contributes to an awareness at real estate professionals. A better organization of MREM will not only increase professionalism, but also create higher value for local authorities and society. Moreover, possibilities for future research have been identified. Ultimately, new research and more best case practices can advance the management of real estate at local governments.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - okt. 2020
EvenementEuropean Facility Management International Conference (EFMIC) 2020, EuroFM Network, 1 October 2020, online conference - Online
Duur: 1 okt. 20201 okt. 2020


ConferenceEuropean Facility Management International Conference (EFMIC) 2020, EuroFM Network, 1 October 2020, online conference
Verkorte titelEFMIC
Internet adres


  • vastgoedmanagement


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