Power to Ammonia and Urea

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademic


Ammonia is heavily used in agriculture as a fertilizer and in industry as a raw material for the production of various organic nitrogen compounds. Its high hydrogen content and its established infrastructure for both storage and distribution makes ammonia a prominent candidate for storing fluctuating renewable energy. The Haber-Bosch heterogenous reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen on an iron-based catalyst is used today at large scale ammonia production sites. The current industrial hydrogen production is dominated by fossil energy sources. The traditional Haber-Bosch process can become green and carbon-free if renewable electricity is used for hydrogen generation. However, a continuous operation of power to ammonia can be challenging with a fluctuating renewable energy source. Techno-economic models show that electrolysis and the hydrogen supply chain is the main dominating cost factor of power to ammonia.
Originele taal-2English
TitelPower to Fuel
SubtitelHow to Speed Up a Hydrogen Economy
RedacteurenGiuseppe Spazzafumo
UitgeverijElsevier Ltd.
Aantal pagina's14
ISBN van geprinte versie9780128228135
StatusPublished - 1 jun. 2021


  • ammoniak
  • ureum
  • energie opslag
  • waterstof
  • water elektrolyse


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