Peak performance & reducing stage fright: implementation research HeartMath training programme with students of the Prince Claus Conservatoire

Peter Mak

    Onderzoeksoutput: BookProfessional

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    Stage fright among musicians and music students is a severe problem, and a problem moreover that is not easily talked about. This researchreport is a reflection of the project Peak Performance & Reducing Stage Fright, in which six students of the Prince Claus Conservatoire got the opportunity to take the HeartMath training. A training developed by de GGZ Heerenveen. The research, which is described in this report, was aimed at the usefulness of this training for professional music students.
    Originele taal-2English
    UitgeverijResearch Group Lifelong Learning in Music & the Arts
    Aantal pagina's112
    ISBN van geprinte versie978-94-91090-03-5
    StatusPublished - 2010


    • podiumangst
    • musici
    • coaching


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