Out of the shadows: influencing train passengers’ perceptions and satisfaction by increasing visibility of cleaning staff

Martijn Vos, Jessica Sauren, Olaf Knoop

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingAcademicpeer review

700 Downloads (Pure)


Traditionally, most cleaning activities take place in the evening or during nighttime.
In the Netherlands, day-time cleaning is becoming increasingly popular. It is however unknown how day-time cleaning affects perceptions and satisfaction of end-users. An experimental field study was conducted on trains of Netherlands Railways (NS) to determine how the presence of cleaning staff affects perceptions and satisfaction of train passengers.
Originele taal-2English
TitelResearch Papers for EUROFM's 16th Research Symposium
SubtitelEFMC 2017
RedacteurenSusanne Balslev Nielsen, Per Anker Jensen, Rikke Brinkø
Plaats van productieLyngby
UitgeverijPolyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag
ISBN van geprinte versie9788750211129
StatusPublished - 2017
Evenement25th European Facility Management Conference (EFMC) 2017 - Teatro Goya, Madrid, Spain
Duur: 25 apr. 201728 apr. 2017
Congresnummer: 25th


Conference25th European Facility Management Conference (EFMC) 2017
Verkorte titelEFMC 2017
Internet adres


  • facility management
  • openbaar vervoer


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