Native America: Indigenous Self-Representation in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico

Jeanette den Toonder (Editor), Kim van Dam (Editor), Fjaere van der Stok (Editor)

Onderzoeksoutput: BookAcademic


This book focuses on self-representations of several indigenous communities in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. It offers a multifaceted understanding of North American indigenous history, identity, community and forms of culture. Intersecting themes shape the structure of this volume: the first part focuses on the theme of recovery in relation to the literary field, the second part examines the theme of governance through examples of conflict, public government and citizenship, and the final part discusses the theme of increased global movements in relation to the preservation of local traditions. The contributors hope to advance trans-indigenous studies by encouraging productive dialogues across the U.S., Canada and Mexico–U.S. borders.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijPeter Lang Edition
Aantal pagina's196
ISBN van elektronische versie9783631693537
ISBN van geprinte versie9783631640821
StatusPublished - 2016
Extern gepubliceerdJa

Publicatie series



  • inheemse gemeenschappen
  • zelf-representaties
  • zelfbestuur
  • Noord-Amerikaanse inheemse geschiedenis en identiteit
  • mondiale cultuur
  • trans-inheemse studies
  • literaire geschiedenis
  • kinderboeken
  • burgerschap
  • culturele expressie
  • Noordelijke poort
  • politiek
  • geslacht
  • bessen plukken


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