Musicians as lifelong learners

Rineke Smilde

    Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademicpeer review


    Musicians today face major changes in the social-cultural landscape and thus in the music profession, which is rapidly changing. The changing cultural life leads to a shift in nature of the career of musicians, suggesting more flexible career patterns and a great need for transferable skills. Musicians hold no longer a job for life, but are increasingly self-employed, so entrepreneurship becomes more and more important. They often have a portfolio career, where they combine several forms of professional activities.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelLebenslanges Lernen und erziehungswissenschaftliche Biographieforschung
    SubtitelKonzepte und Forschung im europäischen Diskurs
    RedacteurenPeter Alheit, Heide von Felden
    Plaats van productieWiesbaden
    UitgeverijVS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
    ISBN van elektronische versie978-3-531-91520-3
    ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-531-15600-2
    StatusPublished - 1 jan. 2009


    • Music
    • lifelong learning


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