Monitoring Stimulated Reductive Dechlorination at the Rademarkt in Groningen, the Netherlands

A. A. M. Langenhoff, A. A. M. Nipshagen, C. Bakker, Janneke Krooneman, G. Visscher, Victor S. Magar (Editor)

Onderzoeksoutput: BookProfessional


The Rademarkt site in Groningen, Netherlands, has been contaminated with tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene, and data collected at the site have suggested that intrinsic degradation has taken place. However, natural transformation rates of cis-1,2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride were found to be too slow to prevent offsite migration. To stimulate reductive dechlorination, a full-scale system was designed using both methanol and compost-extract as electron donors. The treatment system included an infiltration and recirculation system. Results indicated that reducing conditions were established in the treatment area, shown by increased levels of hydrogen and decreased redox potentials. Dechlorination was established in most of the stimulated area, increasing average dechlorination from 35 to 5095%.
Originele taal-2Dutch
Plaats van productieColumbus, Ohio
UitgeverijBattelle Press
Aantal pagina's7
ISBN van geprinte versie1574771167, 1574771108
StatusPublished - 2001
Extern gepubliceerdJa

Publicatie series

ReeksBioremediation series


  • sanering
  • dechlorering
  • microbiologie

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