Meten van de kwaliteit van de medische leeromgeving

P L P Brand, A D C Jaarsma, J Schönrock-Adema

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleProfessional


- Assessing the quality of the medical learning environment is an important part of the quality cycle of postgraduate medical education programmes.- The quality of the medical learning environment is primarily assessed by systematically documenting the experiences of doctors-in-training (residents).- For this purpose, several questionnaires have been developed, two of which have been specifically developed for use in the Dutch clinical learning environment.- D-RECT is a commonly-used, 50-item questionnaire (11 subscales), developed from qualitative research on the optimal learning environment for ObGyn residents.- SPEED ('Training Thermometer') is a recently developed 15-item, 3-domain (i.e., content, atmosphere and organisation of training) instrument, based on a generic theoretical framework of human interaction.- Both D-RECT and SPEED are validated instruments to be used to reliably assess the clinical learning environment for Dutch residents in postgraduate medical education programmes.

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageAssessing the quality of the medical learning environment, comparison of two validated Dutch questionnaires
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)D817
TijdschriftNederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
StatusPublished - 13 mrt. 2017
Extern gepubliceerdJa


  • educatie, medisch/standaarden
  • mensen
  • stage en residentie
  • leren
  • artsen
  • vragenlijsten en enquêtes


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