Message Framing and Attitudes Toward Green Gas Facilities in Rural Communities of The Netherlands

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


Green gas is an attractive option for a local energy transition to combat climate change, notably in rural communities. As local initiatives require local acceptance, the study used a questionnaire methodology to capture opinions and intentions toward green gas in a panel of rural respondents (N = 403) and evaluated the green gas message framing to help improve communication strategies. This survey experiment used four frames in a 2 × 2 setup: an energy value core frame of responsibility for nature versus autonomy and a focus frame emphasizing the collective (i.e., the community) versus the individual (i.e., the household). Our findings highlight that the association with sustainability proves vital for a positive assessment of green gas, but its affordability is an issue. Moderated mediation analysis showed that subjective knowledge moderates between frames and intentions toward green gas: responsibility for nature contributes significantly, but only in the collective focus frame. These results are valuable in creating effective communication strategies about green gas adoption in the future.
Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftSAGE Open
Nummer van het tijdschrift3
StatusPublished - 1 sep. 2023


  • attituden
  • groen gas
  • plattelandsgemeenschappen
  • Nederland
  • klimaatverandering


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