Measuring increased fibre content in enzymatically modified starch

Monique Ebbelaar, Jasper Geertsema, Folkert Faber, Doede J. Binnema, Jan Peter Nap

Onderzoeksoutput: PosterOther research output


ALIFE The “all-in-one” method to measure the Total Dietary Fibre content was implemented at the Hanze University of Applies Sciences. Wholemeal bread and crackers showed the expected % of TDF (approx. 6 and10 %, respectively). Enzymatic treatment with a novel starch-modifying enzyme clearly resulted in an increased TDF content of starch from 1.6% to approx. 27%. Due the limited amount of sample material and low ash-content of starch, ash values were abberant. In the near future, on-going research will reveal whether the MWSDF+IDF of these enzymatically modified starches also possess any prebiotic activity and stimulate growth of probiotic bacteria.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 2013
EvenementDomein Applied Science Conferentie 2013 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Duur: 14 nov. 2013 → …
Congresnummer: 1st


ConferenceDomein Applied Science Conferentie 2013
Verkorte titelDAS 2013
Periode14/11/13 → …
Internet adres


  • voedingsvezels
  • gemodificeerd zetmeel


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