title = "Meaningful music in health care",
abstract = "A musical improvisation inspired by a beautifulsummer day or by a song by Elvis; for patientsadmitted in hospital for an operation, music canhave healing powers. With the research projectMeaningful Music in Health Care (MiMiC), thattook place from autumn 2015 until 2018, the researchgroup Lifelong Learning in Music (LLM), togetherwith the department of surgery of the UniversityMedical Center Groningen (UMCG), researched thepractice of live music for hospital patients and theirhealth care professionals. For the research groupLifelong Learning in Music the focus of the researchwas on the meaning of this musical practice formusicians and health care professionals, and onthe development of this practice.The research of UMCG concentrated on the effectsof live music on the recovery and wellbeing of patients",
keywords = "muziekonderwijs, muziekpraktijk, muziek en gezondheid, music, health care",
author = "Karolien Dons and Krista Pyyk{\"o}nen and Linda Hendriks",
year = "2017",
language = "English",
publisher = "Research Group Lifelong Learning in Music",