Markenarchitekturen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel - Irritierende Befunde aus einer betriebsformen- und länderübergreifenden Betrachtung

Diederich Bakker, Thorsten Raabe, Sören Sundermann

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingAcademicpeer review

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In the grocery retail sector a systematic approach of brand portfolio strategy for own label brands has gained relevance in recent times. In this context, brand portfolio strategies can be considered common practice for retailers for brand architectures which should visualise a coordinated approach between private label brands and retail brands. This paper examines the brand architectures of four grocery stores in each Germany and the Netherlands. By using a model of Laforet & Saunders, the results show significant differences in the applied architectures of retailers compared to FMCG suppliers. It is the type of retail format that has the most significant impact on the type of brand architecture being applied in the grocery retail sector.
Originele taal-2German
TitelInternational Marketing Trends Conference proceedings
Aantal pagina's11
ISBN van elektronische versie978-2-9532811-2-7
StatusPublished - 2014


  • marketing
  • merkenbeleid

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