Learning Experience of students: a new framework for individual differences?

Jelle de Boer

    Onderzoeksoutput: PosterOther research output


    This study aims to build a new framework - learning experience - to classify individual differences from students. It is not based on theories about learning styles or cognitive styles but on user experience models from human computer interaction and already applied in serious gaming.
    Some of these theories incorporate affective and emotional aspects from students. Katuk (2013) recently incorporated the flow model of Csikszentmihalyi (1990) into the design of e-learning systems. Interesting would be if we apply more recent theories about affectional states of students like frustration into this design. This way we could understand more about the learning experience and the individual differences of students while learning and the short-term and long term effects on learning outcomes.
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's1
    StatusPublished - jul. 2015
    Evenement20th Annual International Conference of the Education, Learning, Styles & Individual differences Network (ELSIN) 2015: Relevance of Styles to Educational and Workplace Contexts - University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
    Duur: 1 jul. 20153 jul. 2015
    Congresnummer: 20th


    Conference20th Annual International Conference of the Education, Learning, Styles & Individual differences Network (ELSIN) 2015
    Verkorte titelELSIN2015
    Land/RegioUnited Kingdom
    Internet adres


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