Joint Interference and Power Minimization for Fault-Tolerant Topology in Sensor Networks

Renato Moraes (First author), Yngrith Silva, Felipe Martins, Jair Lima Silva, Helder Roberto Oliveira Rocha

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


Energy conservation is crucial in wireless ad hoc sensor network design to increase network lifetime. Since communication consumes a major part of the energy used by a sensor node, efficient communication is important. Topology control aims at achieving more efficient communication by dropping links and reducing interference among simultaneous transmissions by adjusting the nodes’ transmission power. Since dropping links make a network more susceptible to node failure, a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks is to find a communication graph with minimum interference and minimum power assignment aiming at an induced topology that can satisfy fault-tolerant properties. In this paper, we examine and propose linear integer programming formulations and a hybrid meta-heuristic GRASP/VNS (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure/Variable Neighborhood Search) to determine the transmission power of each node while maintaining a fault-tolerant network and simultaneously minimize the interference and the total power consumption. Optimal biconnected topologies for moderately sized networks with minimum interference and minimum power are obtained using a commercial solver. We report computational simulations comparing the integer programming formulations and the GRASP/VNS, and evaluate the effectiveness of three meta-heuristics in terms of the tradeoffs between computation time and solution quality. We show that the proposed meta-heuristics are able to find good solutions for sensor networks with up to 400 nodes and that the GRASP/VNS was able to systematically find the best lower bounds and optimal solutions.
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)120198 - 120218
TijdschriftIEEE Access
StatusPublished - 1 jul. 2024


  • draadloze sensornetwerken
  • interferentie
  • draadloze communicatie
  • fouttolerante systemen


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