Internationalisation and IBS Hanze alumni: an exploration of international business careers

Jan Liefers

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterProfessional

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The internationalization of the careers of IBS Hanze alumni is explored from various viewpoints. A quantitative historic analysis has been performed on the influx of international students and their job careers as alumnus. Job position, industry size and SIC (Standard Industry Category) were analyzed as well as the relation between nationality and country of settlement. Netherlands and Germany appear to be settlement countries for many non NL or DE alumni, 30% of NL and DE alumni work in countries other than their nationality. To establish the motives for an international career 62 alumni responded to a questionnaire why and how internationalization was important for them.
Originele taal-2English
TitelThe internationalisation of SME’- perspective for the Northern Netherlands
Plaats van productieGroningen
UitgeverijHanze University of Applied Sciences
Aantal pagina's22
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-5303-123-0
StatusPublished - mei 2017


  • hoger onderwijs
  • internationalisatie
  • zakenleven


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