Interdisciplinary Research Project ‘AI Shield’

Evgeni Moyakine (First author), Thijs van Ede, Trix Mulder

Onderzoeksoutput: PaperAcademic

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In the modern day and age, cybersecurity faces
numerous challenges. Computer systems and networks become more and more sophisticated and interconnected, and the attack surface constantly increases. In addition, cyber-attacks keep growing in complexity and scale. In order to address these challenges, security professionals started to employ generative AI (GenAI) to quickly respond to attacks. However, this introduces challenges in terms of how GenAI can be adapted to the security environment and where the legal and ethical responsibilities lie. The Universities of Twente and Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences have initiated an interdisciplinary research project to investigate the legal and technical aspects of these LLMs in the cybersecurity domain and develop an advanced AI-powered tool.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's4
StatusPublished - dec. 2024
EvenementCyber Security in Networking Conference: AI for Cybersecurity - Institut supérieur d’électronique de Paris, Parijs, France
Duur: 4 dec. 20246 dec. 2024
Congresnummer: 8


ConferenceCyber Security in Networking Conference
Internet adres


  • kunstmatige intelligentie
  • digitale veiligheid
  • ai regulatie
  • AI Shield

    Moyakine, E. (First author), van Ede, T. & Mulder, T., dec. 2024, blz. 1-1. 1 blz.

    Onderzoeksoutput: PosterAcademic

    Open Access

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