Influencing automatic behaviours to reduce waste at facility operations

Onderzoeksoutput: PaperAcademic


Many countries signed the Paris Agreement in order to mitigate global average temperature rise. In this context, Dutch authorities also decided to realize a maximum of 35% residual waste by 2020 for its own operations. So, 65% of the total waste should be recyclable or re-usable and only a maximum of 35% should be not. This current paper explores how changes in automatic behaviours, facility
operations and related practice-oriented research can contribute to this aim of the authorities.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 1 okt. 2020
EvenementEuropean Facility Management International Conference (EFMIC) 2020, EuroFM Network, 1 October 2020, online conference - Online
Duur: 1 okt. 20201 okt. 2020


ConferenceEuropean Facility Management International Conference (EFMIC) 2020, EuroFM Network, 1 October 2020, online conference
Verkorte titelEFMIC
Internet adres


  • facility management
  • duurzaamheid
  • gedragsbeinvloeding


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