iAge project: e-inclusion in ageing Europe

Margreet Schurer (Editor), Ciska Eskes

Onderzoeksoutput: BookProfessional

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In areas where aging and shrinking, there are problems in the labor market and (care) facilities. Which constitute a threat to regional economy and quality of life in these areas. Not problems only Netherlands has regions which suffer, similar problems occur in other regions of the North Sea.
iAge is an international project in which governments, organizations and knowledge institutions work around the North Sea.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijHanzehogeschool Groningen
Aantal pagina's25
StatusPublished - okt. 2014


  • ouderen
  • zelfstandigheid
  • ict
  • iAge
  • arbeidsmarkt
  • wonen
  • technologie
  • gezondheidszorg


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