Hydrogen Production in Alkaline Electrolysis with Cathodic Side PWM Application

Harm Lok, Marvin Bosker

Onderzoeksoutput: ReportAcademic

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The Power to Flex project aims to promote the development of storage possibilities from sustainable energy sources. Hydrogen is opted to be a feasible energy carrier, which can also be stored for prolonged times without further losses and can be transformed into electricity and heat when needed. Producing hydrogen from electrolysis processes has a low CO2 footprint, however the efficiency at both the system, stack and cell level still increases due to further research and development.
Electrolysis is conventionally performed with direct current, of which the energy is usually supplied from the grid. Rectifiers are necessary to provide the energy source for electrolysis, which unfortunately waste some of the efficiency, albeit becoming more efficient. Although it is known that distortions, harmonics and ripple, in the current supply can cause decreased performance of the electrolysis, a fundamental understanding is often not provided in published research. Controlled modulation of the electrolysis process can however form a
possibility to enhance the performance of electrolysis
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's84
StatusPublished - 20 mei 2020


  • duurzame energiebronnen
  • waterstof
  • electrolyse
  • energie opslag
  • efficiëntie


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