How can tendering authorities stimulate innovations within SMEs in tenders below threshold values?

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrage: Op welke wijze kunnen aanbestedende diensten in aanbestedingsprocedures onder de drempelwaarde, innovatie bij het MKB stimuleren?

Geke Werkman-Bouwkamp, Marius van der Woude

    Onderzoeksoutput: Working paperProfessional

    62 Downloads (Pure)


    The Procurement Platform Groningen is a cooperation of 15 tendering authorities in the northern part of the Netherlands. The Platform requested Hanze to start a research project concerning the Social Added Value of the Platform’s spend. The first phase of this research has now been completed. This phase has resulted in more insight into the spend of the Platform.
    The subject of this working paper concerns one of the next steps in this research. How can tendering authorities stimulate innovation within SMEs through tenders below threshold values?
    Most of the Platform members’ spend is put to market through non-European tenders. This paper describes a theoretical research into Platform’s possibilities to encourage innovation in SMEs, by using tendering for contracts that are below the threshold value. The results of this research show that the Platform can use several tendering procedures.
    Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageOp welke wijze kunnen aanbestedende diensten in aanbestedingsprocedures onder de drempelwaarde, innovatie bij het MKB stimuleren?
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's13
    StatusPublished - 1 aug. 2016


    • mkb
    • innovatie
    • overheid
    • aanbestedingen


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