Game-Based Learning to Elicit and Improve Value Creation in Learning Communities

Eelco Braad, Marieke Veltman, Peter Bos, Danny Plass, Sjoerd De Vries

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractAcademic

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Recent advances in digital technologies profoundly influence our daily lives and work. While enabling solutions to societal issues, these technologies also demand new knowledge and skills from professionals. An increasingly common way for organizations to address this issue is to set up learning communities as a space in which (future) professionals of different backgrounds can work, learn, and innovate together. The CLIC-IT project explores how public-private learning communities can foster learning, collaboration, and innovation among participants and develop supportive methods and tools. One challenge faced by learning communities is making value creation and impact visible and enhancing it. To facilitate a dialogue on value creation and the mechanisms that produce value, we developed a serious board game. The game allows learning community participants to identify individual and collective mechanisms of
value creation and fosters discussion on the collaboration’s value. The workshop
includes a brief introduction, followed by gameplay to experience the game’s potential firsthand. Subsequently, the game experience will be discussed, and feedback will be collected to use for further refinement. Participants will walk away with an increased sense of the underlying mechanisms for value creation in interorganizational collaborations and new ideas to advance value creation in their own projects.
Originele taal-2English
StatusAccepted/In press - 25 nov. 2024
EvenementEAPRIL 2024: The network works.: Fostering authentic learning and community engagement. - PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hasselt, Belgium
Duur: 25 nov. 202427 nov. 2024


ConferenceEAPRIL 2024: The network works.
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