FM Innovation in science and practice

Mark P. Mobach, Giulia Nardelli, Jennifer Konkol, Herman B. Kok, Keith Alexander

Onderzoeksoutput: Contribution to conference proceedingAcademicpeer review


Purpose: To report in FM Innovation.
Theory: Innovation theory, service management, space design.
Design/methodology/approach: Case studies, workshop.
Findings: Barriers, areas of interest, and best practices in FM Innovation.
Originality/value: Presents a first exploration of European case practices in FM Innovation.
Originele taal-2English
TitelAdvancing knowledge in FM, 14th EuroFM Research Symposium
Subtitelpeople make facilities management
RedacteurenKeith Alexander, Ilfryn Price
UitgeverijEuroFM: European Facility Management Network
ISBN van geprinte versie978-94-90694-07-4
StatusPublished - 2015


  • facility management
  • innovatie
  • integratie
  • service


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