Families’ experiences with family nursing conversations in home health care

Susanne Broekema (First author), Marie Louise Luttik, Wolter Paans, Petrie Roodbol

Onderzoeksoutput: AbstractAcademic


Family nursing conversations (FNC) are planned conversations between a care recipient, one or more family members, and a nurse. FNC, in the Netherlands, are intended to strengthen family functioning and family communication, improve collaboration between family and professional caregivers, and prevent overburden of family caregivers. This study aims to explore families’ experiences with FNC, and their perspectives on the benefits of FNC.
Methods: A total of 26 participants (9 care recipients, 17 family members) from 11 families participated in a FNC and this qualitative study. Seven home health care nurses trained in FNC conducted these conversations as part of their daily practice. Four to six weeks after the FNC, care recipients and family members were interviewed about their experiences, and the perceived effects or benefits of the FNC. Interviews were semi-structured, face-to-face, and individual. Data collection continued until saturation had been reached. A grounded theory approach was used to analyze the data.
Results: Participants experienced FNC as structured and open communication about the care situation. During the FNC, participants felt that they gained a clear overview of the care situation and that relationships among the FNC-participants improved. Participants reported that FNC decreased family members’ burden, and resulted in care that was more tailored to the care recipient’s needs.
Conclusions: From the results of this study a model is proposed for families’ experiences with and perceived benefits of FNC. In a subsequent study, this model will be tested in a quantitative cost effectiveness study with a larger sample.
Originele taal-2English
StatusIn preparation - 2018
Evenement5th Nordic Conference in Family Focused Nursing: Familie throughout the Lifespan - Tampere, Finland
Duur: 2 jun. 20185 jun. 2018


Conference5th Nordic Conference in Family Focused Nursing


  • verpleegkunde
  • familie
  • conversaties


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