Factors influencing adoption of ict-innovations by nurses

Onderzoeksoutput: PosterAcademic

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The world’s population is aging, and with aging population comes an increase of chronic diseases and multimorbidity. At the same time a shortfall of trained health care professionals is anticipated. This raises questions on how to provide the best possible care. The use of Information and communication technology (ICT) and e-health has the potential to address the challenges that healthcare is facing. ICT applications and e-health, such as videophones, telemedicine and mobile devices, can benefit the healthcare system. Nonetheless, ICT is not used to its full potential. One of the key factors is the low adoption rate by nursing professionals. The nursing profession is characterized by teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration. Nurses often work in nursing teams and collaboration between different disciplines is necessary for providing health care. Thus, collaboration is necessary when implementing ICT innovations.
A systematic literature review was conducted in online databases PubMEd, CINAHL and IEEE, using key words related to innovation, nursing teams and adoption.
The result of the systematic review is that little is known about the relation between ICT adoption by nurses and the nature of collaboration by nurses in teams and in interdisciplinary networks. This leads to further research questions and a need for further research in this subject.
Originele taal-2Dutch
StatusPublished - 16 mei 2020


  • posterpresentatie
  • ict innovaties
  • verpleegkundigen

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