Facilitating reflective learning

Onderzoeksoutput: PhD Research external, graduation external

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The aim of this dissertation was to investigate conditions that may affect students’ reflective learning specifically in small groups and professional practice. Conclusion.Small groups are beneficial for reflective learning for which teachers need specific competencies. Teachers need to be trained in facilitating students’ reflective learning. To further develop the reflective competence of students during clinical practice it is important to discuss unprofessional situations in small groups. Students should learn to check the validity of excuses for not responding. Clinical supervisors play an important role in this process.
Dissertation for the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, with references and summary in Dutch. The study presented in this thesis was carried out at the Graduate School for Health Research (SHARE) of the University of Groningen, within the program of Research in medical Education (RME) and at the Research and Innovation Group in Health Care and Nursing of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands
Originele taal-2English
KwalificatieDoctor of Philosophy
Toekennende instantie
  • University of Groningen
  • Verkerk, M.A., Supervisor, Externe Persoon
  • Cohen-Schotanus, Janke, Supervisor, Externe Persoon
Datum van toekenning4 jul. 2012
Plaats van publicatieGroningen
Gedrukte ISBN's978 94 60700415
StatusPublished - jul. 2012


  • reflectief leren
  • klinische praktijk
  • studenten
  • klinische supervisie
  • professioneel gedrag
  • leraren competenties


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