Expectation of Floating Building in Java Indonesia, Case Study in Semarang City

Imam Wahyudi, Henny Pratiwi Adi, Jonathan Lekkerkerk, Jorge Jansen, Floris Boogaard

    Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterAcademicpeer review


    Many delta cities worldwide are dealing with the same kind of problems: rising of the sea level, land subsidence, scarcity of land and illegal housing. Multiple land use is one of these solutions that will help to reduce flooding and scarcity of land. An example of multiple land use is a floating community. This research used Semarang as location for the research into the social acceptance of floating houses. The data in this study were obtained through literature study and survey among inhabitants. The social acceptance of the inhabitants is determined with 35 respondents that have been done in the area of Kemijen, Semarang. In order to determine the social acceptance of floating houses, there are elements used, namely: knowledge of floating houses, perception of risk, urgency, implementation, chose for a floating house, requirements, positive and negative elements, self-sufficient system. According to the result of research, the social acceptance of the inhabitants is quite low, but there is potential because they see positive elements in a floating house. Low social acceptance is caused by the fact that the concept of floating houses is not well known in this community. With raising awareness on the challenges and informing the community on the possibilities on floating infrastructure will result in higher social acceptance.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelLecture Notes in Civil Engineering
    Plaats van productieMilan
    UitgeverijPierpaola Riva
    Aantal pagina's14
    ISBN van elektronische versie2366-2565
    ISBN van geprinte versie9789811622557
    StatusPublished - 6 aug. 2021


    • drijvende bouwvormen
    • verwachtingen
    • overstromingen
    • polder
    • klimaatadaptatie


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