Epidemiology and Outcome of Patients With Burns Treated With Cerium Nitrate Silversulfadiazine

Dutch Burn Repository group, Martini Hospital, Anuschka Niemeijer

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


In this study, the outcome of treatment with Flammacerium in burn patients is studied. The retrospective study involved patients with acute burns admitted to the Burn Centre of Martini Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands, between 2009 and 2014. The outcome parameters were mortality, complications (noninfectious and infectious), need of surgery, and length of stay. The group of patients consisted of 853 patients, of which 554 were male (64.9%). There were 23 patients with a total burn size of 40% TBSA or more (2.7%). In total, 13 of the 853 patients (1.5%) died, and none of them were children (<16 years). The overall mortality in the group of patient with burns >40% TBSA was 30.4%. In the elderly group (>70 years), the mortality rate was 6.3%. Treatment with Flammacerium is applicable in all thermal burn patients. Especially children, elderly patients, and patients with severe burns can benefit from a more conservative treatment with Flammacerium whereby the first operation can be postponed until the patient is stabilized and in which the wounds can be covered directly with skin transplants.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)e432-e442
TijdschriftJournal of Burn Care & Research
Nummer van het tijdschrift1
StatusPublished - jan. 2017


  • leeftijdsgroepen
  • geslachtsverschillen
  • anti-infectieuze middelen
  • brandwondencentra
  • brandwonden
  • geneesmiddelentherapie
  • cerium
  • therapeutisch gebruik
  • medicijncombinaties
  • verblijfsduur
  • Nederland
  • retrospectieve studies
  • zilversulfadiazine
  • overlevingskansen
  • behandelingsresultaat


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