Effective international knowledge exchange to rehabilitate rivers in urban delta’s: case study Metropolitan Manilla

Floris Boogaard, Eric Boer, Rick Heikoop, Marius Palsma

    Onderzoeksoutput: PaperOther research output

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    In coastal and low-lying vulnerable delta cities, such as the
    Rotterdam Metropolitan region and Metropolitan Manila, there has been an
    increase in vulnerability of urban flooding and water quality problems.
    New approaches address the current and future effects of climate change
    and increase urban quality, reduce vulnerability and increase water quality.
    New arrangements for international cooperation are set up in order to
    address these problems in the project ‘IWASTO’ (‘to correct and to
    prevent’) where several organisations from the Philippines and The
    Netherlands join forces to rehabilitate rivers and introduce new
    innovations for water quality monitoring and waste collection using the
    ‘Research Design and Manufacaturing (RDM)’ approach. One of the
    concrete results from this RDM approach in 2016 is the development and
    implementation of the ‘Longganisa’, a waste collection tool that was
    designed by a Dutch-Philippine team. In addition, the waterquality was
    measured and mapped with innovating methods using apps in order to
    locate and prioritize highly polluted areas. In the near future measures will
    be implemented to rehabilitate the rivers in Manila and a knowledge
    exchange forum will be set up to share the best management practices on
    international scale in countries as Indonesia, India and China.
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's12
    StatusPublished - dec. 2016
    EvenementInternational Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research - Melaka, Malaysia
    Duur: 5 dec. 20166 dec. 2016


    ConferenceInternational Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research


    • watermanagement
    • duurzaamheid


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